ason AT ewha.ac.kr
Ewha Womans University
52 Ewhayeodaegil Seodaemungu
Seoul Korea
1998 Ewha Womans University BS in Environmental Engineering
2000 Gwangju Institute Science & Technology MS in Environmental Engineering
2006 University of Delaware PhD in Civil & Environmental Engineering
05-08 University of California, Davis Postdoc, Dept. Land, Air, & Resources
2019. 9 - date Full Professor, Dept. Environ. Engrg., Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
2019.12 - date Associate Editor, RSC advances, Cambridge, UK
2013. 6 - 2019. 8 Assistant/Associate Professor, Dept. Environ. Engrg., Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
2015. 2 - 2017. 1 Department Chair, Dept. Environ. Engrg., Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
2008. 8 - 2015. 8 Assistant/Associate Professor, Dept. Civil Engrg. Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
2008. 1 - 2015.12 Consultant, Synthia, LLC., Davis, CA, USA
2005.11 - 2008. 7 Postdoctoral Fellow (NIEHS Superfund program), University of California, Davis, CA, USA
2001. 8 - 2005.10 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA
2003. 6 - 2003. 8 Summer Intern, DuPont Co. Experimental Station, Wilmington, DE, USA
2000.12 - 2001. 4 Biochemist, Dept. Special Biochemistry, Seoul Clinical Laboratory, Seoul, Korea
2000. 1 - 2000.11 Analytical Chemist, Korean Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure Corporation, Ansan, Korea
1998. 3 - 1999.12 Graduate Research Assistant, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Korea
2010 - present
2010 - present
2022 Ewha Fellow Award, Ewha Womans University, Korea
2019 Ewha Fellow Award (Junior Faculty), Ewha Womans University, Korea
2012 Auburn Alumni Engineering Council Research Award for Excellence (Junior Faculty), Auburn University, USA
2011 National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, USA
2005 Malcolm Pirnie Outstanding Environmental Engineering Graduate Student Award, University of Delaware, USA
Undergraduate courses
1. 38456. Biological Wastewater Treatment, 생활하수관리 (Fall)
2. 35952. Elemental Biology, 기초생물학 (Fall)
3. 11155. Science and Fiction, 과학과허구 (교양 Spring, Fall)
4. 38453. Laboratory for Environmental Engineers II, 환경공학실험 II (Spring)
5. xxxxx. Environmental Instrumental Analysis and Sensor환경기기분석및 센서 (Spring 2026)
Graduate courses
1. G17023. Biosensors, 바이오센서공학 (Fall)
2. G17087. Biological Principle of Environmental Engineering, 환경생물공학이론 (Spring)
3. G17215. Environmental Nanotechnology, 환경나노공학 (Fall)
Professional Licence Registered
Registered Engineer-in-Training, California, 2008
Professional Society Activity
환경독성보건학회 (KOSEHT) 이사 (2014 - date), 환경화학 및 노출평가 분과 부위원장 (2014 - 2017),
국제협력위원회 부위원장 (2018 - 2019), 국제협력위원회 위원장 (2020 - 2021), 학술위원장 (2022 - 2023)
대한환경공학회 (KSEE) 이사 (2018 - date), 국제위원회 부위원장 (2018 - 2019), 학술위원회 부위원장 (2020 - 2021),
부회장/여성과학위원회 위원장 (2022 - 2023)
한국물환경학회 (KSWE) 정보추진위원회 간사 (2019 - 2020), 미래도시물환경기술위원회 위원 (2021 - 2022)
Journal Editorship
Editorial Board for Environmental Engineering Research (EER), 2012 - 2013
Associate Editor for Environmental Engineering Research (EER), 2013 - 2015
Associate Editor for RSC advances, 2019 - date
Memberships in Professional Societies